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CarrierGift is a company that focuses on the global environment and the health of families, and has changed its focus to the health of the global environment while doing food education activities to value the role of women. 

We manufacture an energy sheet called Quantum Sheet, which is a blend of 12 types of natural minerals, mainly radium, and sell health maintenance foods.

Regarding the global environment, it may seem like a distant story, but in recent years, we are gradually losing the environment that was natural and taken for granted at a speed that we do not realize how serious it is in our daily lives. "Beautiful river", "Birds chirping", "It's snowing", "Cool summer", "Cold sea", "There are fish" Probably, just as the weather is getting hotter and more people are collapsing or dying from heatstroke, the life activities of wild animals are also changing, making it difficult for them to find air conditioners, food, and water.

For example, according to data from the Japan Meteorological Agency, the average maximum temperature in Tokyo in September 1875 was 25.6 degrees, and in 2023 it will be 31.2 degrees, meaning the maximum temperature is about 5.6 degrees higher than in the past.

However, even if countries and companies think about SDGs and think about them, it is difficult to protect the earth contrary to consumer behavior. And it's difficult to think only in Japan.

Actions that are good for the global environment cannot be done alone. What's more, people don't pay attention to things that aren't productive and generate money because they're preoccupied with other things, and I think we live in a society where people can't do tedious tasks like sorting trash or washing trays. However, CarrierGift believes that this problem can be solved by the instinct of women to protect their weaknesses. If it's for something important, you can definitely do some tedious work, such as doing some housework, but if it's a common community activity and a social bond, it's a different flow than in the past. I feel like this is coming, so I'm doing event activities. It may be difficult for one person, but if you start with me, 0 becomes 1.
I also think that many women reconsider their lives due to the circumstances surrounding their men's work, children, and other family circumstances, but I believe that the happiness of the women makes them feel better about their lives. I think this will have an impact on the things that are important to me, so I hope that each of them will be happy. Partly because of this, the mascot character of Karyagift has become a healing negative ion Hina doll. The name is MASAKO.


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Currently, I am a popular practitioner who is busy with inquiries from designated customers every day, which is about 5 times more than the number of people I can treat in a day, and I can compare many bodies and understand the areas that need care. As a nutritionist, I have been dealing with health on a daily basis, so I am writing a book to share about health care that you can do yourself.In this book, Health, I wrote about what I could think of to do about the global environment. If you have any other ideas, please share your wisdom with us.
















改定健康と美を手に入れる50の改善究極ガイド (1).jpg


1 食材の買い物はちょこちょこがお得

2 食物繊維が摂取できる食品リスト

3 1日1食リズムでコントロール

4 砂糖や炭水化物との付き合い方

5 ニンニクと生姜とねぎの驚くべきパワー

6 フルーツだけでは満たされないもの

7 卵は1日何個まで?

8 アルカリ性食品リスト

9 1日に必要な水の量と選び方

10 1日のタンパク質摂取量と質のガイド

11 用意しておくべきお菓子の代用リスト

12 気を付けるべき腐ったもの・焦げたもの・生食材

13 たばこやの害とは

14 おすすめお酒アレンジ

15 コーヒーの楽しみ方

16 血糖値をコントロールするための代替甘味料と特徴

17 小麦粉より米粉?グルテンフリーとは



18 寝る時間前の過ごし方

19 自分への未来投資時間を作る

20 太陽が与えてくれるもの

21 掃除で保つクリーンな住環境

22 物を減らすと得られること

23 辛くなった時に考えるべきこと

24 口紅を塗るだけで若返る

25 肌の調子は心の調子   

26 社会生活の基盤づくり 

27 気分転換の方法リスト

28 心地いい生活を追求

29 おすすめ植物や自然との触れ合い

30 睡眠の質を高め時間を確保するのために気を付けること

31 環境の変化を受け入れる旅行のススメ

32 笑顔でいられる環境

33 納得できる選択

34 我慢しない選択

35 今日が一番若いという衝撃事実 

36 手軽に使えるアロマの種類

37 文化の違いに触れ合う学び



38 温泉はあなたの健康を助けます

39 汗をかくメリット  

40 スッキリ頭ツボ

41 スッキリ顔ツボ

42 首リンパ・肩こりのセルフケア

43 腰こりのセルフケア

44 背中こりのセルフケア

45 腕と肩甲骨のセルフケア

46 ふくらはぎのセルフケア

47 前もも・お尻まわりのセルフケア 

48 寝ながら癖直し

49 デスクワーク必見!椅子を使ったストレッチ

50 足裏で転がすゴルフボールケア

​創業者 上垣昌子
CarrierGift' Co., Ltd. ​
Founder Masako Uegaki

My name is Masako Uegaki, and I founded CarrierGift, a company that manufactures environmentally friendly products and sells health maintenance foods with the theme of global environment and family health. My father is a doctor, so when I was a child I had the impression that my future choices were either to be a doctor or to be a housewife. I was thinking about the happiness and role of women in the back of my mind, and I was worried about how I should live my life.
After becoming a registered dietitian, she transferred to the Department of Clinical Psychology and graduated from Kyoto Bunkyo University. I worked as an SMO in a hospital for clinical development of drugs, as a clinical trial coordinator, and while interacting with patients, I thought of the deceased (there was no causal relationship with the drug), and although I wanted to become a doctor, I decided to live my life as I am now. 

I feel that the meals served at home have a big impact on protecting the health of my family, so I have wanted to value my role as a woman in preparing meals. For this reason, CarrierGift is a company that started with cooking class events that welcome farmers as guests and provide food education to consumers.
現在は、その時のお客様から「あなたに紹介したい人がいる」と紹介された地球環境を考えて活動をしてきたカンタムシート開発者である八尾憲二郎の発明を守るために、地球環境についても考えるようになり変化をしました。 会社を支えるために栄養士セラピストとしてリラクゼーションサロンでもたくさんの施術をしてきました。みなさんの体を比較して、やっぱり日頃の生活態度や運動で疲れ方が体に出るんだなと実感しました。だからこそ、自分でできる健康管理も大切だと本を書いて発信したいキッカケとなりました。 Currently, I am trying to think about the global environment in order to protect the invention of Kenjiro Yao, a quantum sheet developer who was introduced to me by a customer at that time and said, ``There is someone I would like to introduce to you.'' It has changed. In order to support the company, I have performed many treatments at relaxation salons as a nutritionist therapist. Comparing everyone's bodies, I realized that the way you get tired is due to your daily lifestyle and exercise. That's why I wanted to write a book and spread the word about the importance of managing your own health.

Foreigners who come to Japan have religious beliefs and dietary restrictions, or are vegetarian or vegan due to allergies, animal welfare, or environmental protection. I was surprised that there are people who eat only eggs every day without enjoying them. From there, I also held cooking classes with Muslims.
I want such people to enjoy Japanese food as well. I also hope to find friends who think about global environmental issues. 

That's why I think I need friends. For this reason, we communicate in various languages ​​and at the same time host events that are open to all nationalities. Thank you for your continued support of CarrierGift's activities.
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